Saturday, April 14, 2012

I have Medium length hair. Very VERY VERY curly...?

It's proabaly a little lower of my shoulders... but when i leave it down it gets even shorter cuz of my curly hair.. i love my hair but i'm tired of the same hair styles i use does anyone have ideas for my type of hair? thanks

I have Medium length hair. Very VERY VERY curly...?

first you can try going to the salon and ask for there help or you can straighten it

I have Medium length hair. Very VERY VERY curly...?

unfortunatly with the texture of your hair , any new style could cause damage. straighteners r bad. so is braiding, for me as a rule i never braid curls . you could use a comb and part your hair different or try ponytails or barettes . i use little rubber bands to make pig tails, and i use clips to do different stuff too. bangs help as well as you can stle them and leave the rest of your hair go.

I have Medium length hair. Very VERY VERY curly...?

i am half black half white so i hav the same problem. u can always find something 2 do w/ ur hair. u can put it in high and low ponytails, do a curly puff, straighten it, put it half up half down, and many more. my advice wud b 2 look in a magazine.

I have Medium length hair. Very VERY VERY curly...?

i have the same problem and i think im the best person to answer can do gorgious pony tails its simple easy and effective, once in a while also you can straighten your hair too, also you can do a quiff and have your hair tied at the back that is what i do........... hope it helped you hun

I have Medium length hair. Very VERY VERY curly...?

I wish i had curly hair, i have wavy and it isnt good wavy. Whatever you do dont get it straightened , because the heat will ruin your curls and dont dye it, it'll ruin your hair.

I have Medium length hair. Very VERY VERY curly...?

You are limited to what you can do but I think if I were you I would let it grow longer and see if the weight will make the curls less tight. NO BANGS for very very curly hair! They end up looking weird and even if you style them it's a very dated look....not modern. Also, rubber bands and barettes cause damage and breakage so I would avoid those as well. If you want to wear it up you can get great bands that are covered so your hair won't get tangled. They are made by Goody. The best thing you can do for your curls are keep them healthy. Don't use chemical straighteners because they are very damaging. Just love the hair you are gifted with. :)

I have Medium length hair. Very VERY VERY curly...?

have you ever just left the curls but straightened the ends?? lot of people are doing that.

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