Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I used to have very curly hair when I was young but now it's only curly from the edges and will

and will straighten when I brush it often. How come I don't have curly hair anymore?

I used to have very curly hair when I was young but now it's only curly from the edges and will straighten....

My understanding is that there are about 8 different genes that determine the curliness of hair- some are switched on or off permenantly, and others are switched on and off by hormone levels. The more that are switched on, the curlier your hair is.

For example, I had very tight curls until I was about three years old, and then my hair went sort of wavy/straight/shaggy until I hit puberty, and then BAM it was crazy curly again. Based on the other women in my family, I can expect my hair to go straighter again if I get pregnant.

I used to have very curly hair when I was young but now it's only curly from the edges and will straighten....

sometimes u grow out of it like when u get older or start growing up its nothing to worry about it happens to alot of peopleé–³?br>I used to have very curly hair when I was young but now it's only curly from the edges and will straighten....

Your hair changes from time to time. If you straighten it, it will change your hair type into frizzy dry or damaged hair.

I used to have very curly hair when I was young but now it's only curly from the edges and will straighten....

This happened to my friend too. I guess as you get older your hair texture and thickness changes and causes it to do that.

I used to have very curly hair when I was young but now it's only curly from the edges and will straighten....

well if you have staigtened it alot over the years and put dyes on it then thats why , thats exactly what happened to me.

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