My hair is curly and thick. Its shoulder length.
Anyone have curly hair and how do you prevent the frizzes?
i have curly over shoulder lengh hair, i used to put gel in it put it looked horrible, the best thing is to shampoo and conditioner, then put in a leave in conditioner, i use garnier frutis leave in conditioning cream!
Anyone have curly hair and how do you prevent the frizzes?
i don't really have curly hair, but frizz-ease hairspray is great for reducing static and frizz, and lasts nearly the whole day. it's awesome. especially on humid days. :D
Anyone have curly hair and how do you prevent the frizzes?
Anyone have curly hair and how do you prevent the frizzes?
You can use John Freida Frizz-Ease on towel dried hair, don't ever blow dry it and once you have it styled with gel and Frizz-ease, keep your hands and fingers out of it. Otherwise, it will just get bigger and fuller. You can also put in some of John Freida's "Secret Weapon" cream after your hair is dry. Just kind of smooth it over the top layer.
Anyone have curly hair and how do you prevent the frizzes?
yea i know what you mean my hair is curly,frizzy,and so thick its unreal. i found out that if you wash it every night it takes out so much oil and your hair needs some oil. try washing it and let the con. stay on while you do whatever else and wash it out last and dont wash your hair every night. and also try using diff. shampoo and con. to wait till it starts getting kinnda oily then wash it agin thats what i do and get some serome from paul mitchell it works great.
Anyone have curly hair and how do you prevent the frizzes?
Well- there is a process involved to "de-frizz" your hair. First start with Herbal Essences "None of your frizzness" shampoo and conditioner. Then start using Herbal Essences "None of your frizzness" smoothing leave in creme.
Next start using products that are meant for curly hair, such as Herbal Essences "Totally Twisted" Line of hair products meant for curly hair.
Anyone have curly hair and how do you prevent the frizzes?
I have naturally curly hair and I have a few good tricks.....first is conditioning is key!!!! I love biolage conditioner, it weighs the hair down nicely keeping it from being too big....also at sally's beauty supply theres a product called "generic biosilk" is looks like a oil kind of, it smells amazing and its like a leavein treatment/ styling product. my personal regimin is to shower, condition,brush my hair in the shower...then as soon as im done and before drying head at all i use the biosilk and spray gel lightly, lean over head upside down and scrunch hair,thennnnnn take towel and just blot your drippy hair...its not as extensive as it seems...easy~ and it leaves frizzless perfect curls:)
Anyone have curly hair and how do you prevent the frizzes?
I have wavy hair that frizzes and I use aussie sydney smooth tizz no frizz gel. I got it at Walmart.
Anyone have curly hair and how do you prevent the frizzes?
I also have very curly shoulder length hair and agree with the previous comment about not washing it every day i do however condition it every day and have tried EVERYTHING for my hair I dont like the serums because they tend to make your hair greasy...I like three different brands personally one is Neutrogena Intense Moisture,little higher price than the rest but worth it and the sunsilk pink bottle also have just started using Dove Cool Moisture and rinsing my hair in COLD cold I cant stand it Have been told that it seals the cuticle so that it is less frizzy..Also try the Aussie sprunch spray dont put to much or your hair will be crunchy lol...Good Luck
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