My Bichon is 7 months old and I was wondering when/if her hair was going to get curly like the other older Bichon's I've seen. I love her straight fluffy hair but know one day it will all be gone, and was curious as to when that happens. I figured it would have happened by now. Anyone have a bichon and remember when their baby got curly hair?
When does a Bichon Frise's hair get curly, unlike the straight baby hair?
My bichon's hair was pretty straight when he was a puppy. It started getting curlier when he'd been groomed a couple of times...maybe close to his first birthday. I also got him from a reputable breeder and met his parents. I miss his baby hair! :)
When does a Bichon Frise's hair get curly, unlike the straight baby hair?
there is a decent chance your bichon came from a low quality breeder who had alot of maltese bred into the line, if this is the case the hair never will go curly. i would think that it would have by now
When does a Bichon Frise's hair get curly, unlike the straight baby hair?
Are you sure your puppy is pure bred? Her hair should be curly - puppies don't have straight hair.
Some puppies have straight hair as pups it normally goes curly at around 3 to 4 months