Friday, March 30, 2012

When my curly hair dries, it frizzes.?

I'm a guy with medium length curly hair and I don't like what it looks like with gel. What can I do without making it look all stiff and straw-like?

When my curly hair dries, it frizzes.?

instead of gel or any other hair products you can use hair conditioner to style your hair, or go and get John Frieda's frizz-ease serum, it works trust me, i have very curly hair and when i had it cut short this was my savior!

When my curly hair dries, it frizzes.?

mix one part water to one part hair spray

When my curly hair dries, it frizzes.?

try putting a mousse in your hair when its wet, and then when it dries with the mousse dries, then put a de-frizz serum in it and it will look GREAT

When my curly hair dries, it frizzes.?

Try Herbal Essences none of your frizzness smoothing leave-in creme. It works miracles, and has a pleasant smell. Look for the bright orange bottle!

When my curly hair dries, it frizzes.?

its easy.....when u washing u hair apply a large sum of conditioner...this might help...try it....okay

When my curly hair dries, it frizzes.?

John Frieda's Dream Curls is AMAZING.

i love it. i usually straighten my hair because its natural curliness is just way to insane. but this calmed it down and wasn't stiff or anything. its about four dollars and you can get it anywhere. i get mine from walmart. so, chances are you'll be able to find it too.

an easy way to manage it is just spraying it in liberally, and then depending on the texture of your hair, scrunching it with your hands or twisting it with your fingers (kind of like your twirling your hair, but tighter). and then just letting it dry on its own. when its done drying, dont brush it or comb it. this will just make it poofy. just run your fingers through it to brush it out and then your ready to go.

the great thing about the Dream Curls spray, is that it has a moisturizer in it too. so it make your hair healthy as it makes it look good.

and it smells pretty good too. :)

When my curly hair dries, it frizzes.?

sculpting lotion helps, but again natural coconut oil or olive oil do wonders! i had frizzy hair problem cos my hair is curly, i tried buying expensive products but they only made my hair dry and brittle.. until my gran gave my coconut oil. it's amazing AND cheap, and it REALLY works. and it won't be greasy, honestly. just try

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